Fun Fact  

The Sandhill Crane is the most populous of the cranes in the world. They can be found during the breeding season in southern Quebec and all year round in northern Quebec. During mating, they do a unique synchronised dance to attract a mate.  

Special Traits  

The Crane can be distinguished from the Heron by its red spot on the head. Its coat is often scattered with rusty spots that come from the mud. The crane weighs twice as much as the great blue heron, weighing up to 10 pounds.   

Life in the Marsh  

It lives mainly in wetlands and swamps, sometimes moving to fields to feed on seeds and grains. Unfortunately, the sandhill crane does not live in our marsh or in the area, so you are unlikely to see one. 

Protection and Threats  

The Sandhill Crane population suffered in the past from overhunting but currently has a large healthy population. Future threats to the cranes depend on human development and potential habitat loss. Their natural predators are mainly coyotes which prey on the nests and the cranes.